Ottawa at Work Blog
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Classification Confusion: Taxi Drivers found to be both Contractors and Employees
Proper classification of workers is a challenging task but one important to get right from the start. Misclassification can have serious consequences, such as exposing an organization to orders for unpaid wages and incurring fines for outstanding CPP and EI contributions.
Legal Fees, Severance and Tax Filing
Spring time is just around the corner, and with the tulips and spring bulbs comes one of our most favourite things - TAX TIME.
Tax Deductions for Legal Fees
Did you know that you may be able to deduct from your income taxes a portion of legal fees incurred in your employment law matter? If you paid legal fees in relation to securing entitlements from your former employer, you may be further entitled to a deduction on your T-1 return to the Canada Revenue Agency ("CRA").