Ontario’s Non-Compete Ban does not apply to Old Agreements

In early December 2021, the Ontario Government passed into law a ban on non-compete agreements. Non-competes are a form of restrictive covenant used to limit the ability of employees to seek work with competitive alternate employers. Ontario’s non-compete ban took retroactive effect as of October 25, 2021. But that begged the question, what happens to non-compete agreements entered into before this date?

In a recent contribution to First Reference Talks (a collaborative HR and employment law advisory blog), Andrew Vey reviews a recent decision of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice that provides guidance on the validity of old non-compete agreements. Click here to read the full article.

Vey Willetts LLP is an Ottawa-based employment and labour law boutique that provides timely and cost-effective legal advice to help employees and employers resolve workplace issues in the National Capital Region and across Ontario. To speak with an employment lawyer, contact us at: 613-238-4430 or info@vwlawyers.ca

Kevin Patrick Robbins

Kevin Patrick Robbins is a professional photographer in in Hamilton and Toronto, Ontario, Canada. You can find his commercial photography at iamkpr.com and his consumer and corporate photography work at kevinpatrickrobbins.com.


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