How will the pandemic shape the future of work?

The pandemic impacted heavily on the working lives of many: some lost their jobs, otherwise endured prolonged lay-offs, and many found themselves working from home. With the pandemic waning and (hopefully) at, or close to, an end, employers are considering how best to structure their workplaces moving forward. This presents a unique opportunity - to learn from mistakes, create efficiencies, improve culture and attract talent.

In a recent contribution to First Reference Talks (a collaborative HR and employment law advisory blog), Paul Willetts considered a number of developing trends in this area (including remote work, hybrid models, in-office requirements, and reduced work weeks) and offered thoughts on how employers may want to approach this moment in time. Click here to read the full article.

Vey Willetts LLP is an Ottawa-based employment and labour law boutique that provides timely and cost-effective legal advice to help employees and employers resolve workplace issues in the National Capital Region and across Ontario. To speak with an employment lawyer, contact us at: 613-238-4430 or

Kevin Patrick Robbins

Kevin Patrick Robbins is a professional photographer in in Hamilton and Toronto, Ontario, Canada. You can find his commercial photography at and his consumer and corporate photography work at


Deemed IDEL Set to Expire on July 30, 2022


Classification Confusion: Taxi Drivers found to be both Contractors and Employees