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Wrongful Dismissal, Employment Contracts Paul Willetts Wrongful Dismissal, Employment Contracts Paul Willetts

Uncertainty Remains Around Employment Termination Provisions in Ontario

In a recent decision, Baker v. Van Dolder’s Home Team Inc., 2025 ONSC 952, the Ontario Superior Court of Justice provided clarity on the enforceability of termination provisions in employment contracts. This case is important for employers and employees alike. It highlights how termination clauses are scrutinized by the courts and underlines the importance of proper drafting.

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Mitigation, Wrongful Dismissal Paul Willetts Mitigation, Wrongful Dismissal Paul Willetts

Employee Rejection of Comparable New Job Backfires

The purpose of severance is to bridge the gap while a person is unemployed and looking for a new job. As we often tell clients, severance is not intended to provide a windfall. When a person is dismissed from a job, they have an obligation to make reasonable efforts to offset the losses stemming from their dismissal (referred to as the “duty to mitigate”). In the right circumstances, this may include accepting an alternate offer of employment with the same employer or pursuing a reasonable opportunity that has been brought to their attention.

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Another One Bites the Dust: Understanding the Law of Termination Clauses in Ontario

2024 got off to a bang in the world of employment law. In a recent trial level decision, an Ontario judge has found yet another termination clause illegal and unenforceable. In so doing, the court accepted an entirely novel argument for why termination provisions may be read as impermissibly contracting out of the mandatory requirements of the Employment Standards Act, 2000

(the “ESA”).

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COVID-19 & Employment, Wrongful Dismissal Kevin Patrick Robbins COVID-19 & Employment, Wrongful Dismissal Kevin Patrick Robbins

CERB Payments are not Deductible from Wrongful Dismissal Damages

The Canada Emergency Response Benefit (“CERB”) was a form of income replacement offered by the Government of Canada at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. Eligible recipients could receive $2,000.00 per month during the program’s 28-week duration (which ran from March to September 2020).

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Employment Contracts, Wrongful Dismissal Kevin Patrick Robbins Employment Contracts, Wrongful Dismissal Kevin Patrick Robbins

Understanding the Changed Substratum Doctrine - Is Your Old Employment Contract Still Enforceable?

Our firm is often retained by employees and employers to provide advice on dismissal entitlements. One of the first places we look in this regard is to the parties’ written employment contract (if one exists). Employers have an incentive to implement written contracts as a means of limiting future dismissal costs. For similar reasons, contracts often come under heavy scrutiny by employees (and their lawyers) whenever a job termination takes place.

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Employee “Experience and Sophistication” Irrelevant to Contract Enforceability

Generally speaking, Ontario employees are entitled to receive reasonable notice of their dismissal from employment (subject to situations where the parties have agreed in writing an alternate lawful entitlement in this regard).

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Just Cause Dismissal, Wrongful Dismissal Kevin Patrick Robbins Just Cause Dismissal, Wrongful Dismissal Kevin Patrick Robbins

Court of Appeal: Slapping Female Coworker’s Buttocks in “Heat of the Moment” not “Wilful Misconduct”

Earlier this month, the Court of Appeal for Ontario released its ruling in Render v. ThyssenKrupp Elevator (Canada) Limited. This decision deals primarily with the plaintiff’s appeal of the trial ruling that his former employer had cause to terminate his employment, and he thus had no severance entitlement.

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Wrongful Dismissal, Dismissal Kevin Patrick Robbins Wrongful Dismissal, Dismissal Kevin Patrick Robbins

When is 2.5 Months "Reasonable Notice" of Dismissal?

In wrongful dismissal cases, absent a lawful written contractual entitlement, the courts conduct an individualized assessment to determine what would be reasonable notice of the dismissal. In a recent contribution to First Reference Talks (a collaborative HR and employment law advisory blog), Paul Willetts highlighted two wrongful dismissal cases where the short-service plaintiffs who otherwise differed significantly (in terms of age, compensation and character of employment), both received a 2.5 month notice period.

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Wrongful Dismissal, Stock Awards Kevin Patrick Robbins Wrongful Dismissal, Stock Awards Kevin Patrick Robbins

Court of Appeal: Employee had no right to Damages for Unvested Stock Awards After Termination

Last year the Ontario Superior Court awarded a former Microsoft employee 23.75 months’ pay in lieu of notice following his without cause dismissal from employment. The court’s award included damages for stock awards that would have vested during the applicable notice period.

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Mitigation, Wrongful Dismissal Kevin Patrick Robbins Mitigation, Wrongful Dismissal Kevin Patrick Robbins

Do older employees have a duty to mitigate loss of employment?

Dismissed employees are expected to actively search for new work if they want to preserve full severance rights. Yet a recent case out of Ontario suggests there may be more leniency for older workers. This reflects a judicial acknowledgment of the fact that re-employment opportunities tend to become scarce past a certain age.

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Wrongful Dismissal Damages During COVID-19: Offsets and Repayment Obligations

Over the past year, numerous Ontario employers have had to downsize their operations and dismiss staff in response to the ongoing pandemic. Many of those who have lost their jobs turned to government income replacement programs while looking for new employment.

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Severance Pay, Wrongful Dismissal Kevin Patrick Robbins Severance Pay, Wrongful Dismissal Kevin Patrick Robbins

In the Eye of the Beholder: Job Titles, Character of Employment and Severance

When Ontario courts assess whether an employee has been wrongfully dismissed, they often start by referencing the 1960 decision of Bardal v. Globe & Mail Ltd., 1960 CanLII 294 (ON SC).

Bardal directs courts to consider several factors specific to the employee when determining appropriate severance, including: 1) character of the employment; 2) length of service; 3) age at the time of termination; and 4) availability of similar employment.

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