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How to Tell if Your Severance Package is Fair
You have just been given the bad news that your employer is letting you go. They brought you into a room, made a brief statement and handed you some papers to sign. You have been told you have a few days to review and return the documents.
What do you do now? How can you tell whether what the company has offered in severance is fair? What about this "Release" that they are asking you to sign should you do it?
Pokémon GO: A contemporary example of how new technology can impact the workplace
By now you have likely heard of the new gaming phenomenon sweeping the globe: Pokémon GO. This is an augmented reality game that can be downloaded for free by anyone with a smartphone.
In essence, Pokémon GO requires users to explore their local city with their phones. By visiting different areas, certain rewards or objectives can be received. The Pokémon (or digital creatures) can only be seen by users on their phone and are displayed over the camera picture of the local environment (thus the "augmented" nature of the game). This has led to some odd outcomes. For instance, a police station in Darwin Australia has had to tell players to keep out and catch Pokémon elsewhere. In another case, the National Holocaust Museum in Washington DC has been forced to remind visitors that it is not an appropriate venue for gaming.
Q&A: Vacation Entitlements for Ontario Employees and Employers
As an employee in Ontario, it is important to understand your vacation entitlements. This Q&A article seeks to provide some answers to the more frequent questions we receive.
The Ontario Employment Standards Act, 2000 (ESA) is the law governing minimum vacation requirements in the province. As such, in order to determine your particular vacation entitlement, it will be necessary to review the ESA as a starting point, and consider any additional entitlement set out in your employment agreement or, if you are a unionized employee, in a collective agreement
Silence Proves Costly: Employment Agreements and Reasonable Notice
Employers who fail to incorporate a binding termination clause into their written employment agreements may face significant, and unexpected, liability for severance. This lesson was learned the hard way by Qualified Metal Fabricators ("QML") in a recent unpublished case out of Toronto.
QML employed Mr. Roy Singh as an assembler from May 2011 until his dismissal, due to an alleged shortage of work, in May 2015. Upon termination, QML paid Mr. Singh 4 weeks' termination pay in compliance with the Employment Standards Act, 2000, and allegedly the terms of his written employment agreement.
Learning from the 'Special One': Constructive Dismissal from Employment
Jose Mourinho: the self-proclaimed 'Special One', former Chelsea boss and brand-new Manchester United manager. In addition to his many successes, Mr. Mourinho is no stranger to controversy. In the most recent Premier League season after seeing his Chelsea side lose nine of the first sixteen league games, he was unceremoniously dismissed.
Shortly before his own dismissal, Mourinho became one half of a very public dispute with Dr. Eva Carneiro. Dr. Carneiro had been employed with Chelsea since 2009, before leaving her position as first team doctor in September 2015 and alleging constructive dismissal. In addition, Dr. Carneiro's lawsuit included an individual claim against Mourinho for sex discrimination and harassment.
Recent Ministry of Labour Blitz Finds $140,000 Owing to Unpaid Interns
In our article last month, we discussed the growing attention being paid to the issue of unpaid internships in Ontario. Since then the Ontario Ministry of Labour has released the results of a second workplace blitz designed to assess whether employers in the province are in compliance with the requirements of the Employment Standards Act, 2000 ("ESA").
The first heavily publicized blitz on unpaid internships was carried out in the summer of 2014. At that time, the Ministry investigated 56 different employers. Of those, 13 were found to be improperly using unpaid internships. It was found that the individuals in question were employees and entitled that the normal protections that workers receive. In total, the Ministry ordered that $48,000 was owed in unpaid wages, vacation pay and/or public holiday pay.
HR Update Publishes Article by Paul Willetts on Workplace Accommodation
VW lawyer Paul Willetts authored an article in the May 2016 edition of HR Update entitled, "Human Rights Law Today: Guidance for Individuals and Employers." The article discusses steps that employers can take to limit liability in the workplace and provides some practical reminders to employees about their entitlements at work around accommodation and protection from harassment.
The Hypothetical Breach of Contract: Lessons from Garreton v. Complete Innovations
One of the most important clauses in any employment contract is the Termination Clause. This provision sets out the terms under which both parties may end the employment relationship at some unspecified future point in time.
As an employer, failing to include a provision of this kind can significantly increase your exposure to liability. Specifically, you lose the opportunity to limit the amount of severance an employee can seek upon termination. The absence of an enforceable termination provision results in the dismissed employee being entitled to 'reasonable notice' of termination.
The Unpaid Internship: Exploitation or Opportunity?
The use of unpaid internships by some employers has become increasingly common over the past decade. Unlike employees, interns do not receive the same legal protections, nor do they receive a salary, vacation pay or overtime pay. An intern's only compensation is opportunity and experience.
The use of unpaid interns has come under increased media and political scrutiny. Fuelled by horror stories of young interns collapsing under extreme workplace pressures, the issue reached the political agenda. In the summer of 2014, the Ontario Ministry of Labour carried out a highly publicized workplace inspection blitz to determine if intern rights were being respected.
Changes in Ownership and Your Rights as an Employee
Businesses are bought and sold all the time. From small 'mom and pop' shops through to multi-national operations. If your workplace is (or has been) sold, it is important to understand how this may affect your rights as an employee.
We often work for individuals who have been let go from a workplace that has been operated by more than one business owner during their tenure. Your severance entitlements can be significantly impacted by the way the business changed hands, and how the vendor and purchaser dealt with liability for employee severance.
Commission Sales Employees: Two Common Errors to Avoid
In the course of practice, we have repeatedly seen employers make two fundamental mistakes when it comes to provision of commission pay: 1) not properly providing for vacation pay in the calculation of commission payments; and 2) failing to ensure commission payments comply with minimum wage requirements. While employer errors of this kind may be innocent or unintentional, significant financial liability can accrue as a result.
Legal Fees, Severance and Tax Filing
Spring time is just around the corner, and with the tulips and spring bulbs comes one of our most favourite things - TAX TIME.
Tax Deductions for Legal Fees
Did you know that you may be able to deduct from your income taxes a portion of legal fees incurred in your employment law matter? If you paid legal fees in relation to securing entitlements from your former employer, you may be further entitled to a deduction on your T-1 return to the Canada Revenue Agency ("CRA").
Paul Willetts Quoted on Yahoo! Finance
Vey Willetts lawyer Paul Willetts was quoted in a recent Yahoo! Finance Canada article considering pay equity in the workplace. The article, Why Canada Ranks a Dismal 30th in Pay Equity, considers pay inequality experienced by women at work, why this phenomenon exists, and what may be done to address it.
In the article, amongst other things, Paul comments on how an individual may wish to raise concerns about salary; noting that "practically speaking, the best thing to do would be to raise the issue in a professional manner with an appropriate person within your organization. Provide your employer an opportunity to respond and correct the situation, or to provide its justification for the differential in pay."
Reasonable Notice of Resignation: The Sequel
In February 2015 we wrote about a case where a former employee was ordered to pay $56,116.11 as a result of his failure to give reasonable notice of resignation. While these so-called wrongful resignation cases are rare, they should give anyone contemplating a hasty exit from their workplace second thoughts.
However, as evidenced by a recent decision out of Sudbury, employers too should think twice prior to going to court on the basis of wrongful resignation.
Q&A: Maternity Leave & Your Rights as an Employee in Ontario
Having a baby can be one of the most exciting things in life. Along with the excitement of the new family member, however, come many new challenges:
Will I go on maternity leave? How long can I take off work? Can I afford to be off work? What benefits and top-up can I get? Do I need accommodation at work during my pregnancy? How will I make the transition back into my job?
These concerns put pressure on parents-to-be. Recognizing this, the following Q&A session tries to answer some common questions that employees may have about maternity leave and work.
Federal or Provincial? Employment and Labour Law Jurisdiction for First Nations Employers
One of the most complicated legal questions for employers is whether their operations are regulated by federal or provincial workplace rules. The answer to this question can have broad implications for employers, as the requirements of provincial workplace laws can differ considerably from their federal counterparts. The confusion over jurisdiction stems from Canada's division of powers between its varying levels of government. While the Constitution Act, 1867 (the "Constitution") does provide a helpful list of federal and provincial powers it is far from complete.
First Nations employers (this term is used here in a broad sense) in Canada have had a particularly tough time on the jurisdictional front. At first glance, the Constitution provides the federal government power over "Indians, and Lands reserved for the Indians." But at the same time, the Constitution is silent on which level of government is responsible for labour and employment issues. Had the founding fathers of Confederation been clearer on this point, it would have spared lawyers and employers a lot of future pain.
Terminated: (Summary) Judgment Day
When the T-1000 came from the future to destroy John Connor, Arnie made sure he was stopped in his tracks. While employers who have to date relied upon prohibitive time and costs to deter ex-employee claims might not face the wrath that Skynet did, given the recent decision of Cloutier v. Q Residential LP Corp, 2015 ONSC 4431 (CanLII), a rethinking of such approaches may be required.
Since the Supreme Court's decision in Hryniak v. Mauldin, 2014 SCC 7 (CanLII), summary judgment has become a common tool in straightforward employment law matters. In Hryniak, the Court was explicit that summary judgment should be used whenever there "is no genuine issue requiring a trial."
The Office Holiday Party: A {Cautionary} Winter's Tale
As December arrives, our minds turn to the holidays: turkey, eggnog, and a long-lived tradition — the office christmas party.
The office christmas party is a time for colleagues to relax a little and celebrate the coming season, and an opportunity for management to show their staff appreciation for another year of hard work.